Current Issue

24 September 1992, Volume 11 Issue 3   
  • Yang Ping;Cai Qiming;Jiang Xingan
  • 1992 Vol. 11 (3): 223-234. 
  • Abstract ( ) PDF (757KB) ( )
  • The ice crystals in cirrus cloud layers are predominantly in the form of hexagonal columns and plates; and according to the investigation of Heymsfield, the size-distribution of the ice particles may be described in terms of Junge's formula with the parameters depending on ambient temperature. The presented studies focus on the albedo and transmissivity of cirrus with different optical depth under ambient temperature of -20-25℃ at four solar radiative wavelength. With the corresponding size distribution, the single scattering of ice crystals are solved by ray-tracing method proposed by the authors previously. Next, a discretely mathematical expression of doubling principle is presented and used to compute the radiative transfer through cirrus layers. Moreover, in the radiative transfer calculation, the strong forward-peaks of scattering phase function of the ice particles are truncated by taking away the diffraction part in single scattering, and the corresponding parameters of single scattering are adjusted according to Delta-M "equivalent" method. Finally, to evaluate the impacts of size-distribution of the ice particles under different ambient temperature, the radiative transfer computation is also carried out for the cirrus with ambient temperature of-55--60℃.